Poidevin's Vintage Snowmobile Bubblenose Page
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Welcome fellow bubblenose vintage dooheads, this vintage snowmobile page (front door) will be for bubblenosed Ski-doo photos from you good folks, if you would like to click around these pages please do, I have dedicated these pages for the yellow bubble nosed Chalets/Olympiques Ski-doos from the 1960s! Please send along photos of your doos. My main site Poidy's Vintage Snowmobile Site is just a click away......on the 1969 Ski-doo Olympic 12.3..enjoy!..............40330

Well, we had a good winter, happy summer folks

These photo pages are filled with various old Ski-doos, some are in great shape some not and used for Bushrunnin" hence the name Bushrunners (easy to run, smash, puddle jump, tip over, easy to fix and lots of fun) if you would like to add your classic yellow Ski-doo bubble nose to these pages I would be happy to post them up for you no matter what shape your old jem is in?  Because mine are to go, not to show.

The little yellow bushrunner, it can doo it!

My vintage Polaris Photo Album can be reached @ www.poidy1.50megs.com

Click on photo of 1969 Ski-doo Olympic 12.3

Clicking on the Olympic takes you to Poidy's main vintage snowmobile site! I mostly update my main site evey week, so enjoy


Coming to you from Joyland Beach, Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada!

The winter started early and great, and even more snow then the last 35 years! Hope everyone had a safe and fun winter, Now onto spring and summer vintage snowmobile events and shows, yeah!

This wee page devoted to vintage bubble nosed Ski-doos, hope you enjoy it!

Enjoy and have fun

"Click on Deb's Mickey"

Click on my better halfs screeming Mickey Phazer II and this link will take you to Our wee community of Joyland Beach, which I have photos of vintage snowmobileing around the area of Lake Simcoe, Ontario. If you ever see that Phazer with the "Mickey" decal on the hood in the area, please say hello.

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